Quick start guide to running

A new year often bring a renewed focus to our health and fitness goals. For many 2023 might be the year to take up running and for others it could be the year to create a new personal best. No matter what your goal is we want to help you achieve it. If pain or injury is stopping you from doing the things you love, why not take action and book a physiotherapy appointment today. Our clinic manager is high skilled and experienced and, with the help of his students, guide you back to fitness. We are currently working with a number of local runners who are building back for the Southampton marathon and Eastleigh 10k

Below are some kits tips to help you in your running journey…

Load Management

Arguably the most important thing we can help you with. Understand this and you can significantly reduce your running injury risk. Forget, gimmicks, marketing fads etc that promise to reduce your injury risk, simply put if you do too much too soon your body won’t like it.

Try and plan your training sessions week by week and look for trends, how much are you changing thins week on week? Do you even have a plan?

We often find starting with the end in mind and working backwards. e.g. if you have a 10km race in 8 weeks how can you work backwards to ensure you build up towards that 10km

Strength work

A conversation we often have with runners is how much strength work are you doing? Fear not, strength work will not make you bulky or even slow you down. In fact it has been shown to reduce you risk of injury by 33-50% in a recent study.

The best thing you can do for your body in 2023 is spend more time on a well programmed strength program.

stretching for running


We have a lot of people tell us how much stretching they do despite being injured. While we understand stretching and more specifically through range mobility work might have a place in a runners program it is not the holy grail. We’d suggest following the above evidence and spend that time on a strength program.

If you are interested in running, running injuries and prevention keep your eyes peeled for an exciting evening workshop we have planned in February. We hope you found this blog post useful and if you would like any help or supporting with a running injury, why not get in touch


Happy new year!


Sports Massage